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Executive Board Members 2018 - 2019

Get to know our new E-Boards!

Jonathan Zhou | PRESIDENT
Software Engineering, '19, Senior

Jon is a senior majoring in Software Engineering and the President of the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers. He is an avid food adventurer and love trying different types of food. Not only does he love trying and tasting new food but he also likes to cook. How he got involved in SASE was initially somewhat of an accident as he went to SASE's first GBM as he was looking for another club meeting which had their meeting in the same building but next door. However, he eventually went back to SASE and grew to love the members and the goals of SASE. He thinks SASE is a great way to create connections but it is also a great way to help empower and inform others. Also, he believes SASE provides a strong foundation for people who went to develop leadership skills, creativity, and networking with others.

Biomedical Engineering, '21, Sophomore

Joon is a sophomore majoring in Biomedical Engineering and the External Vice-President of the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers. Originally, Joon joined SASE because he played at the badminton club with the former SASE President Naveen and found interests in the club during conversations since Naveen was also majoring in Biomedical Engineering and spoke some Korean. He also likes SASE for its diversity with various people from different majors and ethnicities. Joon is also from Korea and an E-Board member for Japanese Cultural Club as well.

Biology and Business Analytics, '21, Sophomore

David is a sophomore majoring in Biology and Business Analytics, and the Internal Vice-President of the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers.







Yanwen "Mike" Luo | SECRETARY
Computer Engineering, '20, Junior

Mike is a junior majoring in Computer Engineering and the Secretary of the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers. When Mike first decided to join SASE during his sophomore year he was mostly looking to make new friends around Miami since he had been transferred from Merrimack College in Massachusetts. The suggestion of joining SASE originally came from Jon Zhou, who was his Cane-Buddy Mentor at the time and now the President of SASE. At first, he thought SASE would just be another club that he would come and go feeling unattached to what is going on, however, this was changed when he went to his first SASE Regional Conference at Tampa. After the conference, he felt SASE was not only a club but a community that accepts members of different backgrounds and supports each other back when needed. A few interesting facts Mike is that he used to be a competitive fencer during high school fencing for the varsity team for two years but now mostly recreationally and he builds First-Person-View drones during his spare time.

Rin Yamanashi | TREASURER
Economics, '21, Sophomore

Rin is a sophomore majoring in Economics and the Treasurer of the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers. Rin was born in London and spent a few years in Europe and South Africa during his childhood. He moved and lived in his hometown Tokyo for his elementary and middle school. Later he came to the United States when he was in the 9th grade, and spent 4 years in Boston, a year in Los Angeles, and finally came to the University of Miami. He is currently a sophomore majoring in economics, and may soon be transferring to the business school and planning to major in management.

Biology, '21, Sophomore

Shefali is a sophomore majoring in Biology and the Marketing Director of the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers. She joined SASE on the suggestion of one of the previous presidents of SASE and was fascinated with the different networking opportunities and a strong sense of community in the club. A fun fact about her is that she is a professional dancer for Indian Classical dance back in India.

Laurel Anderson | SENIOR ADVISOR
Neuroscience, '20, Senior

Laurel is a second-year-senior majoring in Neuroscience and the Senior Advisor of the Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers. She joined UM SASE in Fall 2015 as a Freshman. She later served as Vice President and President, due to her dedication to SASE's mission statement: to empower those of Asian heritage to excel in the workplace and to make beneficial contributions in society. Now, she acts as a Senior Advisor, to help ensure that the Miami Chapter runs smoothly.

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